Thursday, October 30, 2008

So, the election is literally right around the corner and the political ads are flying. I've been listening to Rush Limbaugh more lately and he makes sense. Bottom line is that Obama is a socialist who is not interested in "cutting taxes" for the middle class, but more accurately doing what HE SAID and sharing the wealth. That's socialism, and it does not work. Yes we need some changes but what he is talking about is not a change. Its more government spending rather than less, more citizens dependent on government for their well being, and more judges willing to overlook the fact that someone has committed a crime if that someone is poor and therefore a victim of society's unfairness. This doesn't sound like change to me, just more of the same old rhetoric from the left. I have already voted (several weeks ago in fact) and I urge my fellow Republicans to do the same. Get out there and make your voice count!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Well it's the middle of October - starting to feel a bit like fall, and all I want to know is where did the year go??? Now don't get me wrong, the weather has definitely been nicer here in North Central Florida and it's Gator football season! Both things to get excited about, but I can't stand the idea that Christmas will be here before you know it and already businesses are putting up decorations. I think they should at least wait till after Thanksgiving to start making things look like a winter wonderland.
Call me a Grinch, but it really bugs me. I really hope that with the economy being what it is at the moment and people watching their pennies more closely, that we can maybe get back to what the holidays are really about. It's not about how much stuff you can buy, but spending time with family and friends and letting them know how much you care about them. Oh, I know there are spiritual reasons for the holidays, which vary depending on your choice of faith, but they all come back to being thankful for what you have and loving each other.
It's seems that all the holidays throughout the year have become more about retail and less about sentiment. I boycotted Valentine's day this year. I did get some complaints from my husband and daughter, but I held strong. I did not buy any cards or chocolates or anything else for that matter. I figured I don't need a day that is hyped by the retail markets to let the people in my life know how I feel about them. I may do it again next year too. I would rather my daughter be kind and respectful and loving year round than buy me something on Mother's Day. A simple "I love you" will suffice.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A first for everything...

So, this is my first attempt at blogging. Who came up with that word anyway??? I like the idea of having somewhere to put down my thoughts, to vent when I need to with no one to interupt, and finally to talk about things in my life without having to constantly explain myself. We'll see how it goes...