Monday, March 9, 2009

So for the few (very few) that read my blog, I want to apologize for not keeping up with it better. There has been a lot going on in my life lately and quite frankly I just forgot to report it all here.
February was an interesting (not neccisarily in a good way) month for me. I spent most of my time on my back either at home or in the hospital. This was due to a congenital blockage in my kidney. I ended up having two "procedures" and one surgery to correct the problem and so far everything is good. I am very thankful, especially after my ordeal, that I have been a pretty healthy girl my entire life. My doctors assures me that this should continue to be the case. Yeah!!!
So now we are into March, hoping that the cold weather is over and the warm weather will continue. This is such a pretty time of year when everything starts blooming and the days are getting longer. Summer will be just around the corner and I am excited about it. I love to come home after a long day at work, put on my swimsuit and jump in the pool. Spend a lazy day on the weekend in my lounge chair catching some rays and reading a book. I love wearing shorts and tanks and flops - oh my! My neighborhood becomes alive with music from different cultures wafting over my fence and the sound of my neighbors out and about. I love it!
So there you have it - for now. I will try to keep up with this blog in the future. Hope everyone has a Happy Spring!